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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1995-10-08  |  51KB  |  322x390  |  16-bit (43,899 colors)
Labels: map | plant | sky
OCR: Sovetskaya Frunze Hotel Central Army Pari Botanical Gardens Yarosiavi Belorussia Leningradt aStation Station 'Garden Ring Station Kazan Station Zoo Park New US Former Ring KGB Park Bauman Embassy Bolshoy Headquarters Centra Russtan Gov, U.S Theater Kursk Ministrio: Embassy GUM Committee Communis Statlor Novy Arbal Red Squar Basll's Party Ukraina Hotol Th.s Amb.) Tesidence KREMLIN Rossia (closed) Yauza Hotel Forelgn Hotel Kotoinichoskaya Klev Stetion Ministry Joartnents Skver V Taganskaya Devichye Parl Novospasskiy Monas tery Gorkly Paveletskly Station Donskoy Moscow Monaster Yarostavi otoinlchoskav